The ice sheet margin


The appearance of the margin of the ice sheet can vary a lot. Most of the year it is covered in snow but during summer the snow will melt away revealing the underlying ice. Here are a few examples.

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An example of the margin of the Greenland ice sheet.

In some places the ice just slides into the landscape. The ice is covered in snow almost to the margin. At the margin there are small lakes filled with melt water.

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An ice wall from the Greenland ice sheet..

In other places the ice sheet terminates as a wall of ice. The meltwater can create streams inside the ice, as you can see here where water is flowing out of a tunnel forming a waterfall. At the glacier front meltwater rivers form.

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An example of what the surface of the ice sheet can look like close to the margin.

In some places along the margin of the ice sheet, the surface can become almost black. This happens when dust collects on the surface. You can also see how lakes and streams form on the ice.
